Nitrate Conversion Calculator

Nitrate Conversion Calculator

Every lab tests for nitrates differently, with a majority of the tests being for Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3-N), Nitrate Ion (NO3-) or Potassium Nitrate (KNO3). There is a substantial difference between these values in terms of safe, non-toxic levels. To ensure you are assessing the correct value, this calculator will convert Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate values to Nitrate Nitrogen for you. General recommendations for feeding nitrates are outlined in the table below. If you have an ingredient that is high in nitrate nitrogen, please contact one of our consultants to discuss how to safely incorporate the ingredient into your rations.
Lab Result, DM basis
Analysis Type (please select)
Unit (please select)
Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N), ppm #VALUE
Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) Level, ppm General Recommendations
<1,000 Safe, non-toxic level
1,000-2,100 Safe for non-pregnant animals. Adapt pregnant animals slowly or dilute the high nitrate feed with a low nitrate feed.
2,100-3,390 Limit to less than 50% of the ration DM. Do not feed undiluted to pregnant animals.
>3,390 Limit to less than 25% of the ration DM. Do not feed undiluted to pregnant animals .
Adapted from Rasby, R.J., B. Anderson, and P.J. Kononoff. 2014. Nitrates in Livestock Feeding NebGuide G1779.
No warranty of results is made. Great Plains Livestock Consulting, Inc. (GPLC) makes every effort to provide timely and accurate information and projections. Projections provided by GPLC are based on good management, average weather conditions, quality genetics, the information and labeling from the feed/suppliers or results from industry testing, current market conditions, and many other variables and sources. Our estimates and projections are subject to all the variable factors that impact livestock markets and weight gain, which may be different for your circumstances. Nothing on our website is intended as advice or guidance as to any specific industry issue or circumstance and should not be relied upon or considered as advice or guidance. The exclusive method for obtaining professional advice and guidance from GPLC is through a customized service agreement designed to meet the needs of our individual customers.
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